
Trim automates ways to save you money

Trim Financial Manager is a virtual personal assistant that constantly works to save you money. Cancel your old subscriptions, set spending alerts, check how much you spent on Uber last month, and automatically fight fees…to name a few cool ways Trim adds value. Trim is now the largest and fastest-growing chatbot for personal finance.

Negotiate Your Cable or Internet Bill

Trim can negotiate your cable or internet bill down for you (by up to 30%). Works with Comcast, Time Warner, Charter, and other providers.

Find & Cancel Unwanted Subscriptions

Trim analyzes your transactions to find all your recurring subscriptions and helps you cancel subscriptions you may have forgotten you signed up for.

Automate Savings

Grow your money with Trim’s Simple Savings. “Set it and forget it” with automated weekly transfers into a high-yield savings account.

Say Goodbye to Debt

Get a payoff plan, receive expert advice, and lower your APRs. Trim can help get you out of debt.

*Sign up here today*

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