
Image result for swagbucks

Here is my guide to reaching your full earning potential with minimal effort (time and SB) on Swagbucks.com:

Daily Tasks (Monthly earning potential: ~$4.80)

  • Brand Activity – earns you 2 SB; some can be watched 2 or 3 times; reads as such and is usually located on the front page:

  • Daily Crave – earns you 1 SB; play video until it asks whether you like it or not
    • These don’t always work correctly for me for some reason
  • Daily Poll – answer and earn 1 SB
  • NOSO – earns you 2 SB; click the “More Deals” button until you reach the end and then enter the captcha letters
  • Play – 10 SB max per day (no matter how many games played); score is irrelevant so just lose and repeat; it is best to pick a game where it doesn’t take much time to go through (my game of choice currently is Swagasaurus Run)

When You Have Extra Time (Monthly earning potential: unlimited)

  • Coupons – earns you 10 SB for every in-store coupon you print and redeem successfully; US only; may take up to 12 weeks after using coupon for SB to show up in your account
  • Search – usually awards SB (varies in amount) every 4-8 searches
    • Try to search 3x a day (morning, afternoon, night)
  • Shop – many retailers are partners with Swagbucks and offer a certain amount of SB for every $1 spent. Before checking out online, see if the particular store is on the list.
  • Peanut Lab Surveys – not an activity I do a lot currently but others have mentioned Peanut Labs surveys as one of the best ways to earn SB
    • The higher SB ones where you have to sign up (enter your information) often involve lots of clicking and sometimes confusion
    • Can lead to large amounts of SPAM as well — best to use a separate email address
    • There are also short quizzes (don’t have to answer all questions) you can take and videos you can watch for a quick 1 SB. Also have seen activities such as clicking through a flier/ad.
  • Swag Codes – Swag Codes are posted on their website, Facebook site, twitter, blog, etc.; simply enter swag code (usually a phrase) into textbox to earn 2-4 SB
  • nCrave – Basically the same as Daily Crave
  • nGage – Videos load in a seperate window; click “Next Page” button as it appears clickable after exploring content; 2 SB each time
  • Take a Discovery Break – Located on the frontpage; watch videos and earn 2 SB
  • Take a Quick Quiz – Located on the frontpage; 2 SB
  • Watch (Videos) – recently updated by Swagbucks
    • Starts and plays through automatically with ads in between; watch in background
    • You can earn up to 500 SB a day for watching unique videos

..this is now where the earnings really start to add up:

On your iPhone or Android phone:

**The key here on each of these is to find the shortest videos**

  • Swagbucks TV 36 SB (iOS and Android) *

    • 2 SB per 5 videos watched
    • Find the “10 Sec Tip” videos and add them to your Favorites
    • Watch from your favorites and let them autorun
    • When you’ve reached the maximum for the day, a message will appear letting you know
  • Entertainow 10 SB (iOS and Android) *

    • 2 SB per 15 videos watched
    • Find the video called “Touch: The Complete First Season” under the category “TV Spots” and add it to your Favorites
      • This is the only one you will want to favorite since it is the shortest
  • Moviecli.ps 10 SB (iOS and Android)
    • 2 SB per 15 videos watched
    • Find the video “The Other Woman” (this is the current shortest) and add to your favorites
  • Sportly.tv 10 SB (iOS and Android)
    • 2 SB per 15 videos watched
  • Lifestylz.tv 10 SB (iOS and Android) *
    • 2 SB per 15 videos watched
    • The shortest videos are any labeled with “10 Sec Tips” under the “Home&Garden” channel
      • Add these to your Favorites and watch until you reach the daily limit


  • Reach your daily goal
    • Check your ‘Daily Goal’ meter. When you meet your goal, you’ll earn bonus SB points {located at the top of the homepage}
      • These SB are paid out on the 5th of every month
    • Daily Goal rewards increase over time the more you complete it and the more SB you earn per day
    • Winning Streaks are earned by reaching your goal each day:
7 Day Star
Meet your daily goal 7 days in a row
Earn 25 SB Bonus
14 Day Fanatic
Meet your daily goal 14 days in a row
Earn 100 SB Bonus
21 Day Triumph
Meet your daily goal 21 days in a row
Earn 200 SB Bonus
Monthly Master
Meet your daily goal every day for a month
Earn 300 SB Bonus


*Referral SB’s are paid out as they’re earned

Bonus tips:

  • Take Advantage of Monthly Cash-Out Discounts
    • When you cash out for your first $25 gift card each month, it will be for 2,200 SB vs. the regular 2,500 SB

I aim for 100 a day / 700 a week / ~2800 to 3500 a month

GOAL: $35.00 / month ( certainly not a lot but does help 🙂 )

CURRENT EARNINGS AS OF 9/4/2016: $220!

Don’t know what Swagbucks is? Check out this overview.

Want to sign up? Click here 🙂