
Get paid to lose weight

Win Big, Real Cash Prizes for Weight Loss

HealthyWage Overview

Put simply, HealthyWage allows you to earn money by losing weight. It isn’t a type of diet program, but rather a medium where you can place on bet on your own weight loss and be rewarded for achieving your goals.

The prize amounts you can win depend the on the following:

  • How much you have to lose
  • How quickly you want to lose it
  • How much you bet (you agree to pay the monthly amount for the duration of the challenge)

For example, let’s say you wanted to lose 20 pounds in 8 months and you decide to wager just $15 per month. According to the website’s calculator, HealthyWage would pay you somewhere between $133 and $353 for losing that amount of weight.

Research shows that a financial incentive makes it more likely for one to lose weight. Maybe losing money by not reaching your weight goals is the encouragement or motivation you need to finally make changes.

Make your bet today and see how much you could win if you hit your goal!

How It Works

Set up an individual weight loss challenge:

♦ Enter how much weight you’d like to lose (10-150 pounds; minimum 10% of your starting weight) in the HealthyWage Prize calculator, how long it’ll take you (6-18 months) and how much you want to bet ($20-$150 per month)

♦ Based on the provided details, HealthyWage will then calculate how much you’ll win if you achieve your goals (you could win up to $10,000)

♦ Each month, you’ll pay your promised amount into the program. In return, HealthyWage provides support through expert advice, weight-tracking tools and other resources.

♦ If you meet your goal in the specified time frame, HealthyWage then pays you! (100% guaranteed cash payout)

♦ If you don’t meet your goal, your money goes to support HealthyWage, including prizes for others who achieve their goals.

Set up a team weight loss challenge:

HealthyWage also offers team challenges as well — either with your coworkers or a group set up by HealthyWage

Other Notes

You’ll start and end your challenge with a video-recorded weigh-in to demonstrate your weight loss.

Throughout the challenge, you’ll also log weekly weigh-ins, but not on video. These help ensure you’re losing the weight in a healthy way, not through extreme measures.

Get Started

Interested and motivated to lose weight?

Ready to get started?

Enter your information in the HealthyWage Prize Calculator now to find out how much you can win

Tip: Play around with the calculator until you get your desired prize and goal amounts